Change of use to create 10 new apartments plus 6 more new build –
31-35 High Street and 24 Pembroke Road, Shirehampton
Our client, social housing provider Alliance Property Care, who own and manage around 6,500 homes in the South West, appointed us to modify an existing 3-storey commercial building. This was to provide an additional lightweight 2nd floor, while changing the 1st and 2nd floors, currently made up of offices and a break-out area, into 10 residential apartments. The ground floor has remained in use as a Job Centre, which Alliance currently leases out.
Our design to replace the existing second floor with a lightweight alternative on the change of use side (pictured above left) made construction easier while saving cost, while the 3-storey new-build on adjacent Pembroke Road offering a further 6 one/two-bed apartments is pictured above right.
All the accommodation will be social housing. Barton Willmore, one of the UK’s leading independent planning and design consultancies, provided the architectural lead on both designs, and the contractor was Speller Metcalfe. The scheme was not without its complexities, and we are thrilled to see it reach a happy completion, with accommodation now ready for tenants to move in!